Conan Gray Merch Capsule

Live Brief With Studio Moross

- Merchandise Design

- Type Design

- 3D Modelling

- Brand Identity

- Art Direction

- Illustration

As part of a live brief with Studio Moross, we were tasked with developing a merchandise capsule for a music artist of our choice. I chose to design a capsule for Conan Gray, the visuals of which were largely inspired by common themes within his music and persona, such as 90s nostalgia, millennial ennui and gender fluidity. All illustrated and typographic elements of the entire capsule were done so by hand with either marker pens or painted with ink, as to sell the idea of childlike nostalgia and naivety.

Specialised merch products were also developed, this included a fragrance range inspired by his song ‘Heather’, the music video of which explores themes of gender expression and fluidity, thus inspiring a unisex base fragrance accompanied by two ‘topper’ fragrances, one masculine and one feminine. A set of nail polishes were also designed in reference to his song “I Wish You Were Sober”, the nail polishes themselves contain a drug-sensitive pigment that would change the nail colour in the presence of a spiking drug in someone’s drink, thus raising awareness for the ever-growing spiking issue in youth culture.


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